[User Manual] Introduce Installation, Launch, Uninstallation

Questions regarding the use of the OpcUa Utility.

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OpcUa Support
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[User Manual] Introduce Installation, Launch, Uninstallation

Post by OpcUa Support »

1. Installation
1.1 Double click on the filename of the AIC OpcUa Server setup file, select the language for the installation, and click OK.
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1.2 The installation wizard will prepare the setup process.
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1.3 Click Next to proceed, or click Cancel to quit.
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1.4 Check the I accept the terms in the license agreement option, and click Next to proceed.
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1.5 Enter the user information.
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You can use the Trial Version option and enter the serial number later. The entered product key will introduce a respective version of AIC OpcUa Server displayed on the title of the GUI.
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*A warning message will be prompted if the serial number is invalid.

1.6 Click Install to begin installation.
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1.7 The installation will begin and may take a while.
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1.8 Once completed, click Finish to exit the installation wizard.
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2. Launch
Once installed, you should be able to find the program named AIC OpcUa Utility in the All Programs list as shown.
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2.1 Click on the icon or AIC OpcUa Utility to launch the AIC OpcUa Server.

2.2 Enter the password in the respective field and click OK.
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1. Use the default Password: 0000 to log in if you are logging in for the first time.
2. Remember to change the password frequently and keep it in a safe place to avoid hacking. Refer to License for setting the password.
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*A warning message will be prompted if an incorrect password is entered.

2.3. The GUI of AIC OpcUa Server will be displayed on the screen.
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3. Uninstallation

3.1 First, click System\Settings\Apps.
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3.2 Click Apps & features and "AIC OpcUa Server"
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3.3 Click "Uninstall" to uninstall the application.
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Best Regards,
OpcUa Support Team
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