剛下載完成AIC Video Wall,如何使用該軟體?
Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2022 5:15 am
After installed the AIC VideoWall, the windows stat menu will have a AIC VideoWall folder and the open the folder will have 4 items:
The AIC VideoWall Use is very simple just follow the below steps.
Best Regards
VideoWall Support Team
- VideoWall Editor
- VideoWall Remote Controller
- VideoWall User Manual
- VideoWall Utility
The AIC VideoWall Use is very simple just follow the below steps.
- Click the VideoWall Utility item in menu, do the login (password is 0000 in default)
- Open the VideoWall Utility like below:
- When VideoWall Utility lauch means VideoWall is running in curren machine. The default Scene Config is VwConfig.xml and Working Directory is C:\AIC\VideoWall\WorkSpace. You can press Ctrl+Shift+P to Play scene and press Ctrl+Shift+Right to change next scene and press Ctrl+Shift+E to exit VideoWall play mode back to currnet desktop. Those Hotkey setting in Hotkey Setting window for reference.
- The default scenes include 2 scenes:
- Scene1 will show a jpg image like below in full screen.
- Scene2 will split sceen to 2x2 sub sceens both contain is http://www.google.com
- Do your scenes
- For Example: prepare two images predictive.png and energy.png.
- Click VideoWall Editor in start menu AIC VideoWall folder for create your scene config.
- Add two image into VideoWall Editor Media
- New a Scene Config
- Set energy.png media to contain
- Select a scene in center window
- Select the energy.png in Media window
- Press the (+) Set media to content button
- Set another scene, click Add a scene button
- Set predictive.png media to contain for new scene like the above Set energy.png media to contain
- Last, new a 1x2 screens scene for both show two images
- Set another scene, click Add a scene button
- Set 1x2 screens scene
- Select a scene in center window
- Select the Style02 icon in Scene Style window
- Press the (+) Set Style button
- Add medias to two contains like above set media to contain
- Save Config
- After Save Config, will popup dialog, press Yes to apply Config to VideoWall Utility
- In VideoWall Utility the Scene Config will change to "yourConfig.xml"
- Play your scenes
Press Ctrl+Shift+P to Play scene and press Ctrl+Shift+Right to change next scene and press Ctrl+Shift+E to exit VideoWall play mode back to currnet desktop.
Best Regards
VideoWall Support Team